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Premier Scott Moe with Shell Lake Mayor Anita Weiers. (Jaryn Vecchio/paNOW Staff)
Joyous Occasion

Premier Moe on hand to celebrate construction starting on new Shell Lake curling rink

Sep 2, 2023 | 3:19 PM

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe was in the Town of Shell Lake to celebrate construction starting on the community’s new curling rink.

The previous one was destroyed in a fire back in August 2021.

Moe, who is also the MLA for the area, told paNOW he saw the aftermath a couple of days after and knew just how much of a loss it would be for the community.

“It’s much more than just a couple of sheets of ice. It’s a gathering place, not only for the Town of Shell Lake but the folks who live in and around the area.”

Premier Scott Moe speaking to a crowd in Shell Lake about the old and new community curling rink. (Jaryn Vecchio/paNOW Staff)

Moe had curled a couple of times in the old rink, though he joked he wasn’t very good. He and his family were and continue to be frequent visitors to the Town.

“I have many friends in Shell Lake withwith with who I’ve played (different) sports. I’ve been able to bring my children up here, (Memorial) Lake was the Lake we came to every summer,” he said.

The new rink is expected to cost around $2.3 million. Over $900,000 is coming from a federal grant, while the province is investing roughly $760,000. While speaking to the crowd, Moe noted his government and the federal government don’t usually see eye-to-eye on a lot of things, but it happened this time around.

Premier Scott Moe speaking to crowd in Shell Lake. (Jaryn Vecchio/paNOW Staff)

Wendy Penner, who was one of the two people who applied for the federal grant, said she doesn’t know where the project would be without the two levels of government.

“I know there was some self-doubt in the community, whether it was ever going to happen because we were relying on our application. If that had not come through then we weren’t sure where we would have turned.”

Crew working on Shell Lake’s new curling rink. (Jaryn Vecchio/paNOW Staff)

Meanwhile, the remaining $630,000 is being covered by the Village of Shell Lake, fire insurance, and community fundraising.

Penner explained they’re still trying to raise around $95,000. Though she didn’t have any specific details, she mentioned there will be several fundraisers happening in the near future.


On Twitter: @princealbertnow

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