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Queen's Hotel. (Destination Battleford)
Queen's Hotel

‘It’s too bad’: Frustration in Battleford after condition of historic hotel forces demolition notice

Aug 31, 2023 | 5:00 PM

There’s some frustration in the Town of Battleford due to the upcoming demolition of a historic building.

Town council met last week where they approved sending a notice to the owner of the Queen’s Hotel to officially tear down the structure.

This came after they received numerous complaints from residents about how unsafe the building and property had become. They say they’ve sent several orders to bring the property back up to code, however, each was ignored, and the Town Contractor was forced to deal with the matter.

Bernadette Leslie, manager of the Fred Light Museum, told battlefordsNOW it’s upsetting it got to this point.

“It’s too bad that the owners had to let it get so dilapidated that we have no choice but to demolish it.”

The structure was officially built back in the 1880s. It was originally used as office space for local doctors and lawyers before becoming a hotel in 1889.

At one point, it was the oldest operating hotel in Saskatchewan. It has since been closed to the public for several years.

Due to its history, Leslie hopes someone might step up at the last minute to take over the property, though she knows this is very unlikely due to the high costs.

“It would have to be completely gutted,” she said. “It would have to have new electrical, new plumbing, new heating system, and the foundation is compromised.”

Meanwhile, no date has been set for demolition.

If the property owners don’t follow through with the demand then the Town can step in and do it itself.

Once it does happen, Leslie explained they hope to get a few items to properly recognize the historic building. This includes the sign at the top of the building which reads ‘Queen’s Hotel.’

“We’re not sure of (anything inside) yet, but definitely the Queen’s sign,” she said.


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