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Agriculture Roundup for Friday July 7, 2023

Jul 7, 2023 | 9:46 AM

Fertilizer Canada has joined a growing list of organizations putting pressure on the federal government to take immediate action to end the work stoppage at the West Coast ports.

President and CEO of Fertilizer Canada Karen Proud said potash is essential to global food security.

“We are concerned the strike will jeopardize the delivery of our product to farmers around the world who need it to grow hearty, nutritious crops,” Proud said. “The fertilizer industry depends on reliable supply chains to get our products to farmers. This strike is one of many disruptions we have seen and underscores the importance of strengthening Canada’s supply chains.”

Canada exports 95 per cent of its potash with the majority flowing through the Port of Vancouver.

Proud said swift action is needed even after a resolution is reached services need time to ramp back up.

The federal and provincial governments have announced a funding agreement with Ag-West Bio.

Over the next five years, Ag-West Bio will receive $9.5 million to advance their work in the agriculture biotechnology sector.

The four main objectives include direct support to innovative companies on the path to commercialization, creating connections and growing the ecosystem, promoting agriculture biosciences, and developing a high-performing team.

Protein Industries Canada (PIC) has issued a $10 million call for food-focused artificial intelligence projects.

PIC CEO Bill Greuel said by bringing the use of AI technology further up the value chain into ingredient and food development, Canadian companies can advance innovation in the plant-based food, feed, and ingredient sector.

“Finding new ways to utilize AI will enable companies to speed up their formulation work, lower their inputs and other production costs, and make their operations more sustainable,” he said.

Potential industry-led projects under this newest call may include using AI technology through imaging technology and process automation for food safety, creating and testing product formulations in a virtual world, designing food products that address health concerns, reducing food waste and improving food security in rural and remote northern communities.

PIC will be accepting expressions of interest until all the funds have been allocated.

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