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Dr. Lalita Malhotra, a member of the Order of Canada, with Governor General Mary Simon at the James Smith First Nation yesterday. (submitted/Lalita Malhotra)
James Smith connection

Dr. Malhotra feels personal impact of James Smith victims

Sep 29, 2022 | 5:14 PM

Dr. Lalita Malhotra was in James Smith when the Governor General visited on Wednesday. She had wanted to meet Mary Simon and was invited because she is a member of the Order of Canada, an honour bestowed decades ago for her work in obstetrics in Prince Albert and northern Saskatchewan.

Malhotra had the option to meet Mary Simon in Regina or James Smith and opted for the site closer to home for personal reasons.

“I’m just like a grandmother, mother, and friend there, so it was very important for me,” she said.

The stabbing victim from Weldon was related to her former babysitter for 15 years and she has delivered three generations of babies in Prince Albert/Northern Saskatchewan, including James Smith.

“Lots of my patients from James Smith and Weldon were there, which had been affected,” she said.

Another highlight of the visit was the gift of a Star Blanket, which is an honour in Indigenous culture, which Malhotra received along with Simon.

“A star blanket is the highest honour an aboriginal community can give you,” she said. This is the second one she has received.

They are handmade with many layers of fabric and, according to Malhotra, very warm and comforting.

“It was very much appreciated that they have respect and it was very nice to meet so many of my patients there. A star blanket is a very special thing,” Malhotra said.

Malhotra practiced in Prince Albert for decades and said she has delivered three generations of babies, many of them from James Smith and so she felt called to be there.

She was asked to pray for the children and other victims of the stabbings that killed 11 people and ended with the death of Myles Sanderson at the beginning of the month.

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