Stay hydrated: Parkland Ambulance warns of heat illness risk
In the dead of winter, we might find ourselves wishing for the kind of weather Prince Albert is in for this week. At the moment, however, there are some safety concerns to keep in mind when dealing with the hottest temperatures of the year so far.
With the city in the midst of a heat warning and another one possibly ahead this weekend, Parkland Ambulance is reminding people to take care in the hot weather. Heat-related illnesses do start to become a concern when temperatures get this high.
“When you’re outside, a big hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, find some shade, grab a good book and a hammock, whatever it is for you to kick back and relax,” said Lyle Karasiuk, director of public affairs with Parkland Ambulance. “But please, stay hydrated.”
According to Karasiuk, staying hydrated is the number one safety measure for preventing heat related illness. Staying hydrated, he emphasized, refers specifically to water and not beer or pop.