Heat warning to miss Prince Albert, but warm weather ahead for Street Fair
If people have been scanning weather forecasts in other parts of the province, they’ve likely noticed the western half of Saskatchewan is getting their first heat warnings of the season. So, should we be prepared for heat warnings in Prince Albert?
According to Environment Canada, the answer is no, but that doesn’t mean we won’t feel some effects of the ridge causing the warmth. Right now, one could almost draw a line down the middle of the province to see which parts are getting the hottest.
“The apex of the ridge, if you can imagine it, that’s causing the heat, will kind of reach into the Battlefords area and then collapse southeastward,” said Terri Lang, regional meteorologist with Environment Canada. “So it’ll just kind of nick you.”
Criteria for a heat warning has some variance between different regions of the province, but one thing that is constant is a two-day criterion. Prince Albert won’t get two days of heat warning weather, but we might get one.