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Plains Indian Sign Language Workshop

May 19, 2022 | 11:06 AM

Once again we are hosting our summer events, Plains Indian Sign Language workshop which will take place July 12-15 to go further in our study of PISL.

We are an experiment of Art, Performance, and Ceremony within an Indigenous Community.

We view Indigenous Performance as an artistic genre with its own methods, body of knowledge and use of Indigenous Languages, and not defined by colonial identities.

Some of our confirmed events are, other great and innovative acts and events, will be confirmed.

Friday July 15

  • 8pm Poetry Cafe
  • 9:00pm- The Trojan Women by Euripides, using puppets, Cree Language and English, featuring Sabina Sweta Sen-Podstawska, and Marika Karlsson.

Saturday July 16

  • 9 am- Meditation and Singing
  • 10:30 am – Yoga and walking
  • 1pm – Dr. Kahente Horn Miller
  • 2pm- presentation to be confirmed
  • 3 pm-presentation to be confirmed
  • 4 pm- healing and health, ceremony
  • 8 pm: Performance to be confirmed

Sunday July 17

  • 9 am- Meditation and singing
  • 10: 30 Yoga, exercise
  • 1 pm Performance