P.A. pulp mill wants surety amid longer term timber supply questions
Amid hints of an impending boom in the Prince Albert and area forestry sector, concerns over timber supply and who’s allowed to harvest it remain. After comments from Mayor Greg Dionne pushing the province to grant new proposed forestry operations access to local wood, the owner of the Prince Albert pulp mill says much still needs to be worked out when it comes to timber supply for their own operation.
Paper Excellence, the company that bought the shuttered Prince Albert pulp mill in 2011, currently has access to just over a quarter of the entire annual allowable cut in the Prince Albert Timber Supply area. That conditional agreement, which allows them to harvest up to 779,000 cubic meters per year, expires at the end of this year, unless the mill reopens, Minister of Energy and Resources Bronwyn Eyre told paNOW.
Meanwhile Paper Excellence has announced its intention to reopen the mill in 2023, but says it needs assurance it’ll have access to wood in the long term in order to do that.
“We’re making a very, very large investment into the restart of that facility,” Graham Kissask, Paper Excellence Vice President of Corporate Communications told paNOW. “And we need surety of fiber flow in the long term to give us confidence that it makes sense to spend that money.”