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(File photo/paNOW Staff)
Zoning matters

Council looks to relax landscaping requirements in heavy industrial areas

Mar 1, 2021 | 4:00 PM

Prince Albert city council is considering relaxing landscaping requirements in areas zoned as heavy industrial after concerns current requirements could be deterring growth.

Coun. Dennis Ogrodnick, who brought the idea to council, said he had spoken to one property owner who told him fulfilling the current requirements would mean large semis would have difficulty maneuvering in their lot.

“I can understand along 2nd Avenue, 15th Street, other areas of the city, we want to have nicely manicured, landscaped properties,” he told council. “But in North Industrial, in my opinion and I hope I have your support on this, it doesn’t make sense.”

Areas in Prince Albert zoned as M1-Heavy Industrial include North Industrial Park, home to SARCAN and the Prince Albert SPCA, and the southern edge of the city between Highway 2 and Highway 3.

Ogrodnick asked city adminstration to prepare a report on relaxing the requirements for discussion at a future council meeting. His colleagues unanimously supported the motion.

Mayor Greg Dionne urged city administration to move quickly on the issue and asked staff to advise potential property-buyers in the areas that council was discussing relaxing or even eliminating landscaping requirements.

“I don’t want to lose a land deal or a sale, and that could happen if we don’t move swifty on this one,” Dionne said. “Because they’re not going to comply if we want the trees and $10,000 of landscaping, it aint going to happen.”

On Twitter: @alisandstrom

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