SGI rebates possible; NDP calls surplus ‘suspicious’
As the province’s public insurer, SGI, sees a big mounting surplus in its reserve fund due to a sharp reduction in claims amid the COVID pandemic, the Crown corporation says it is pondering giving some of it back to motorists.
Meanwhile, the opposition NDP continues to call for rebate cheques and claims the surplus in SGI’s Rate Stability Reserve is excessive and ‘suspicious.’
Earlier this week British Columbia’s much-maligned public insurer, ICBC, confirmed rebate cheques averaging $190 for policy holders given their substantial COVID-related surplus of hundreds of millions of dollars. Other insurers including those in Manitoba, Alberta and Ontario have already made that move. But SGI has yet to delve into its burgeoning reserves which now stand at over $1.1 billion. This, as claims dwindled by around 20 per cent.
Options being reviewed