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The Buckland Bridge has been closed to traffic since last fall. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)
RM issues

RM rejects request to open Buckland Bridge

Jan 17, 2021 | 8:00 AM

The closure of the Buckland Bridge last October forced commuters in the area to take an alternate route. But citing the need to address some safety concerns, the Ministry of Highways has come back and approached the Rural Municipality’s council with the idea of opening up the bridge.

Reeve Don Fyrk explained to paNOW, council was asked to open the bridge in part, allowing one vehicle through at a time.

“So the whole question is, are you gonna take responsibility for the bridge,” he said. “Who’s responsible for the bridge if we open it again… we’re not.”

The bridge, which is owned by the RM, and scheduled for replacement in the next couple years, was closed last October as a result of the North Saskatchewan River’s ice damming the previous spring. The water backed up over the rails causing sizable ice chunks to collide into the bridge, compromising the structure further.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Highways, inquires about opening the bridge to light traffic were made, to help reduce the number of left turns off Highway 3 where there is no turning lane. In November, the Ministry installed a VMS warning sign to warn drivers there is an increased volume of traffic making left turns off Highway 3.

Ministry officials have also offered to work with the RM on a traffic management plan that would permit light traffic with a weight restriction.

“Even if we could do that, how do you clean the bridge? You can’t get a grader on it, we’re not putting a grader on it, and so we are just gonna leave it closed. It’s not safe,” Fyrk said.

Meanwhile, construction at the bridge remains on schedule to start in the summer and the total cost of the project was projected around $1.5 million. Just about $485,000 was covered by the province, under its Municipal Economic Enhancement Program.

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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