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Honoring Remembrance Day 2020

Remembrance Day in 2020

Oct 28, 2020 | 10:22 AM

Orders were given that no ceremony of any kind is allowed at the Armouries or the Cenotaphs because the numbers of positive COVID-19 cases are climbing again.

The first poppy will be pinned on Don Graves, a medic veteran at 11:00 am at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #2 in Prince Albert by the Poppy Chair, Colin Riese.

The Legion is requesting that churches or anyone who has bells available in the city to toll the bells at 11:00 am 75 times with 5 second intervals.

The poppy campaign is proceeding as normal with one exception. We are not allowed to sit in the store entrances and sell poppies this year, but there will be the usual trays delivered to the merchants.