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Opportunity to Review Draft Forestry Plans

Oct 14, 2020 | 10:49 AM

Sakaw Askiy is preparing the Forest Operating Plan for the Prince Albert Forest Management Agreement area for the next 5-year period.

For everyone’s safety, instead of holding public meetings this year we are offering other ways to discuss draft maps of harvest areas, or the 20-year Forest Management Plan for the entire landscape.

Please view draft Operating Plan maps for next year (April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022) to see if harvesting is planned in an area of interest for you. Click on the link in the “What’s New” section at

If you would like to discuss the planned harvesting or the long-term Forest Management Plan for the entire forest area, email as soon as possible. The Operating Plan will be finalized in November for submission on December 1, 2020.

Include in the email the name of the map or the area you’d like to discuss, when you’d be available, and the email and phone number where you can be reached. You will then be contacted by the appropriate person.

Sakaw Askiy Management Inc. holds the forest management license for the Prince Albert Forest Management Agreement (FMA) area. Shareholders who harvest wood from the area are Agency Chiefs (AC) Forestry, Carrier Forest Products, Edgewood Forest Products (Dunkley Lumber), Meadow Lake Mechanical Pulp, Montreal Lake Business Ventures, NorSask Forest Products, and Tolko Meadow Lake OSB Division. Wood from the PA FMA area goes to forest products mills located in Meadow Lake, Big River, Glaslyn, Carrot River and various smaller mills run by independent operators.

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