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New project examines agriculture plastic recycling

Sep 16, 2020 | 4:02 PM

A three-year initiative will focus on improving how agricultural plastics are recovered and recycled.

The project called Building a Zero-Plastic Waste Strategy for Agriculture will be led by Cleanfarms, a non-profit industry stewardship organization.

Cleanfarms has programs in place across Canada to recover and manage non-organic farm waste for recycling or environmentally responsible disposal.

The project’s objectives include building a consensus on the management of non-organic agricultural waste, survey farmers to establish current patterns of disposal before and after pilots and education programs and demonstrate best practices in ag waste management through pilot programs conducted throughout Canada.

Cleanfarms Executive Director Barry Friesen said farmers want more opportunities to manage agricultural waste materials in an environmentally responsible manner.

“This project will identify additional options for farmers and agricultural suppliers to incorporate sustainability practices more broadly in their daily operations,” Friesen said. “We have a responsibility and a great opportunity right across the country to improve recovery and recycling numbers.”

The project is funded by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program (CASPP). Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau said the government supports the fight against climate change.

“We are committed to helping farmers become global leaders in sustainable agriculture and be a part of the climate solution by investing in innovative initiatives that promote environmentally-beneficial practices,” Bibeau said.

Canadian agriculture currently uses about 40,000 tonnes of plastics each year growing crops and raising livestock, most of it in plastic containers, grain bags, twine and bale film. Plastic is essential in the farming industry. Managing the end of lifecycle of plastics is a big challenge that requires forward-thinking solutions.

Cleanfarms operates five permanent programs across Canada. The most recognized is the collection of small plastic containers that are 23 litres and under for recycling.

In 2019, farmers returned 5.5 million containers bringing the total number returned since the program began 30 years ago to 131.5 million. The containers are recycled into new agricultural products such as tile drainage pipes.

Other Cleanfarms programs collect about 5,000 tonnes of agricultural plastics for recycling each year by collecting non-deposit bulk pesticide totes and drums, unwanted agricultural pesticides and old, obsolete livestock and equine medications.

It also manages the grain bag recycling program in Saskatchewan and pilot programs in Manitoba and Alberta.

On Twitter: @AliceMcF