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Election results

District of Lakeland elects new reeve

Aug 31, 2020 | 1:59 PM

The newly elected reeve for the District of Lakeland has a list of items on his agenda including dealing with hungry bears, cutting red tape, and potentially exploring better sewage and water options for rate payers.

Walter Plessl defeated Cheryl Bauer Hyde by a margin of 252-206 in Saturday’s election. Prior to running, Plessl was a councillor for nine years.

“I was thinking it was a make it or break it kind of deal, and it ended up on the good side,” he said.

Moving forward, Plessl told paNOW one of the first things he would like to do is take a look at all the bylaws, explaining he received a number of phone calls from concerned rate payers and contractors about bureaucratic red tape.

“People say they can’t do anything out here. We want to bring the lake back to the way it was years back,” Plessl said.

One of the big campaign issues for all candidates was what they would do to detract bears from getting into peoples’ garbage. Plessl said he would like to see the district consider larger garbage bins where the bears are present, on the outer edges of the district.

“The rollout bins weren’t working there. The bears were knocking them over and getting into the garbage,” he said, adding rate payers can also do their part by storing the bins in a safe location until pick up day.

A couple bigger projects on Plessl’s mind include a new community hall at Emma Lake, and a better and more permanent option for water and sewage delivery. The majority of rate payers are currently relying on well water, or hauling a septic tank back and forth from the lagoon.

“We are getting a new lagoon right now so maybe we can add water and sewer, and start in certain areas close to the lagoon. That’s a big price tag, I know. But moving forward it’s something I think the community builds on,” he said.

Plessl represents one of three returning faces to council. Doug Oftedal (Division Three) and James Rudolph (Division Five) were both acclaimed.

Taking over Plessl’s seat in Division Two is Cheryl MacMillan. The other two new council members are Treena McAlpine (Division One), and Mary Sawchuk (Division Four).

In total 458 ballots were cast for the election, which according to Returning Officer Tammy Knuttila represented a big increase from the last election in 2016.

On Twiiter: @nigelmaxwell

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