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Agriculture Roundup for Friday August 28, 2020

Aug 28, 2020 | 11:44 AM

Harvest is moving into full gear.

Provincial crops specialist Sara Tetland said 15 per cent of the crop has been combined, up from four per cent last week and ahead of the 5 year average of 12 per cent for this time of year.

Harvest ranges from 31 per cent in the southwest to two per cent in the northwest part of the grain belt.

Tetland reminded farmers to take care.

“Harvest is very busy and there is always a lot of large equipment out on highways so we want people to be cautious and patient and take care of themselves,” Tetland said.

Northern regions were just getting their operations underway this week.

Four out of five national seed groups voted in favour of amalgamation but it wasn’t enough to see it happen.

Without a unanimous decision the boards of each organization will need to meet to discuss the next steps.

Over the last six weeks, the Plant Technology Agency, Commercial Seed Analysts Association, Seed Growers, Seed Institute and Seed Trade Association voted on an amalgamation proposal to join forces.

The Canadian Seed Growers’ voted against the proposal.

Over the past five years, the groups have discussed the creation of the next generation seed system in Canada.