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Agriculture Roundup for Thursday August 27, 2020

Aug 27, 2020 | 11:18 AM

MELFORT, Sask. – The Canadian Pork Council (CPC) changed its ask of the federal government on an assistance program.

CPC Chair Rick Bergmann said they requested targeted enhancements to AgriStability which is a move away from what most agriculture groups want.

CPC sent a letter to the federal, provincial, and territorial agriculture ministers asking them to consider leaving the AgriStability payout trigger at 70 per cent but increase the compensation rate to 85 per cent.

Hog producers are experiencing some of the biggest declines the market has ever seen. A June forecast said pork producers will lose $20 per hog for every hog they sell in 2020 while western Canadian producers will likely lose more than $45 a hog compared to the five-year average.

The pork council said while government has rolled out programs for businesses like the wage subsidy it isn’t enough. Salaries, wages, and benefits on hog farms only account for eight per cent of an average farm’s operating expenses.

A new volunteer organization has been formed to support the agri-food sector during the pandemic.

Farmwork to Feed Canada has created a network for the exchange of information on important food issues, from farm labour to food security.

The Canadian Centre for Food Integrity (CCFI) and Farmwork to Feed Canada signed a memorandum of understanding so the work done between the two partners will build a greater understanding of the Canadian food system.

CCFI CEO John Jamieson said they are happy to work with Farmwork to Feed Canada to celebrate and tell the stories of the people behind Canada’s food system.

“These Canadians work tirelessly to keep food on the tables of our consumers both at home and those around the globe,” Jamieson said in a media release. “By working in step with Farmwork to Feed Canada, our goal is to help create a movement of pride, understanding, and support for Canada’s exceptional food system.”

Farmwork to Feed Canada is also helping young communications professionals grow and gain experience in the public relations, marketing, and storytelling fields.

The winter cereals harvest in Manitoba is nearing completion.

Manitoba Crop Alliance secretary Doug Martin said the winter wheat yields have been disappointing in the 60 to 70 bushel per acre range.

He said the hard-red spring wheat yield is very similar.

Martin said fall rye yields were variable depending on the areas that received timely rainfall.

On Twitter: @AliceMcF