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Agriculture Roundup for Wednesday August 26, 2020

Aug 26, 2020 | 10:05 AM

MELFORT, Sask. – Another agriculture event will not be held in the new year due to COVID-19.

Organizers of FarmTech said the decision to cancel the conference scheduled for Jan. 26 to 28 was made to ensure the safety of attendees, speakers, and sponsors during the pandemic.

The FarmTech Foundation of Alberta said it looks forward to when it can safely put on the type of farm management and crop production event the public has come to expect.

The foundation consists of the Alberta Wheat and Barley Commissions, Alberta Canola, Alberta Pulse Growers, and Alberta Seed Growers Association.

The Swine Health Information Center (SHIC) is paying close attention to efforts to repopulate breeding herds across China, Vietnam, and southeast Asia.

SHIC Executive Director Dr. Paul Sundberg said building those herds also creates an opportunity for a second wave of African Swine Fever (ASF).

“They’ve learned a lot of lessons from ASF and they’ve done a lot of upgrading on their biosecurity but there’s still a long way to go so that repopulation is something we’re going to keep a close eye on,” Sundberg said.

A strain of ASF circulating in Nigeria is less virulent than the Georgia strain that is circulating everywhere else. Sundberg said it does not decrease the risk of transmission.

The Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) and G3 will donate $25,000 worth of life-saving grain rescue equipment to several rural Alberta fire departments.

Fire departments located near G3’s new grain elevators in the Carmangay, Irricana, Morinville, Stettler County, Wetaskiwin and Vermilion areas will be trained before receiving the rescue equipment. Sturgeon County Emergency Services, near G3 Morinville, received the BeGrainSafe training this August.

This is the second donation of GSI RES-Q-TUBE and a Haul-ALL pencil auger from G3 to eligible fire departments in the prairie region.

In 2018, G3 donated grain rescue gear to ten Saskatchewan fire departments as a part of its partnership with CASA.

CASA’s grain safety program, BeGrainSafe, works to highlight the dangers of moving grain through awareness events and provides training to firefighters on grain entrapment rescue.

On Twitter: @AliceMcF