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(File Photo/paNOW Staff)
Prince Albert Catholic School Division

Board briefed on work plans for schools

Jun 18, 2020 | 12:32 PM

The Prince Albert Catholic School Division is ready to go forward with some work on their infrastructure.

At their meeting Monday evening administration briefed trustees on a couple projects. One of the projects will see work done to the roof at St. Francis School.

At the same meeting, trustees voted to award a contract to Prakash Consulting to provide engineering services for the project. Director of Education Lorel Trumier said they are looking forward to getting underway.

“We’re going to be proceeding with a major, redo of the roof top, so that’s coming up and we’re excited about that,” she said.

Administrators are also continuing to lay the groundwork for projects funded through the Climate Action Incentive Fund, which will help the division cut down on its energy usage. The division has sent a list of 15 possible projects to the federal government for approval.

“There’s an opportunity to improve our facility for the purpose of improving climate action,” Trumier said.

In total the division is eligible to get over $200,000 from the fund. The list of projects mainly includes the installation or replacement of LED lighting at seven of the division’s schools and one maintenance facility. Trumier said the lighting upgrades could be a real positive.

“We know that there is a benefit to LED lighting, there’s an efficiency that’s gained through that,” she said.

Also on the list of possible projects is replacing outside doors at Ecole St. Mary High School and the installing of new windows at three other schools. Trumier said they are hoping to get news about the list of projects in the near future.

“We’re hoping that we’ll hear back in the next few weeks,” she said.

On Twitter: @mjhskcdn

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