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Last April's flooding took a heavy toll on the main road leading into the Shell River Heights sub-division. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

Buckland council devises flood proof plan

Jun 8, 2020 | 5:31 PM

Every year, when the ice on the river breaks and the water rises, property owners in the Shell River Heights sub-division feel the brunt of mother nature, and deal with flooded basements and yards.

At Monday’s Rural Municipality (R.M.) of Buckland council meeting, property owners were advised of a plan to build up and expand the existing berm. The estimated cost would be $70,000 and will be split five ways between the R.M. and the four affected properties.

Correen Burden was among the property owners at the meeting, and relayed her most recent issues with flooding.

“When this flood happened [in April], I had two and a half feet of water in my trailer. There was stuff floating over my neighbour’s fence,” she said.

Reeve Don Fyrk listens intently to concerns raised by property owners. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

Council’s plan is very much in the preliminary phases and could yet be altered. Before reaching out to an engineer for a full report, council wanted to discuss its plan with those directly affected. While the majority in attendance expressed concern about the costs, most agreed it was necessary.

“Every time it floods, I can’t afford to rebuild my basement for $40,000. So if it’s going to cost me $15,000 now, I will pay it,” one property owner said.

Div. 3 Councilor Orest Romanchuk promises to get more answers for property owners. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

In addition to questions regarding the proposed size and length of the berm, council was also asked if this was a foolproof plan.

“I would hesitate to say 100 per cent anytime,” Reeve Don Fyrk replied, adding it was 99.9 per cent guaranteed.

Div. 3 Councilor Orest Romanchuk responded to several questions throughout the meeting and said he would inquire with the Water Security Agency to see if there were any grants available.

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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