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Municipalities of Saskatchewan President Gordon Barnhart said provincial municipalities need federal help. (file photo/Michael Joel-Hansen/paNOW Staff)
municipal finances

Provincial organization calling for federal support for local governments

Jun 4, 2020 | 2:36 PM

The organization which represents Saskatchewan’s cities, towns and villages is joining their national counterpart in asking for federal government assistance.

Municipalities of Saskatchewan is calling on the Government of Canada to make at least $10 billion in financial aid available to help local governments cover operating expenses.

Gordon Barnhart, president of Municipalities of Saskatchewan, said larger cities have been hit hard by the COVID-19 virus, as they are not able to collect revenues from places like recreational facilities. He said they still have to pay the costs associated with maintaining the buildings.

“They’re closed and so they’re not getting that revenue and yet some of the operating cost are there, heat. light — all of the maintenance costs,” he said.

Barnhart said cities providing transit services are also in a tough spot as they are starting to resume service in the current climate which is forcing them to make changes that affect the bottom line.

“They are obliged to keep the buses running but there is a reduced ridership, because of people perhaps not going to work,” he said.

So far, the federal government has agreed to send municipal governments their portions of the gas tax all at once rather than the general quarterly sum. Barnhart said while these funds are appreciated, more help is needed.

“The draw back is this is not new money,” he said.

These sentiments were echoed by Prince Albert Mayor Greg Dionne at city council’s meeting on Monday evening. The mayor said getting the gas tax funds all at once will help the city with their short-term cash flow, but stressed the funds were previously promised.

“They’re just giving it to us in advance,” he said.

Dionne commended the provincial government for stepping up and providing infrastructure funds but said the city has not received anything additional from the federal government.

“Provincially, I’ve got to thank the government; they stepped ahead,” he said.

With files from Alison Sandstrom

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