Aquatic Invasive Species Awareness Week Is May 24 To 30
The Government of Saskatchewan has proclaimed May 24 to 30 as Aquatic Invasive Species Awareness Week to raise awareness of the threat of invasive species to our province’s waterbodies.
“This week highlights the importance of protecting Saskatchewan’s waters from aquatic invasive species,” Environment Minister Dustin Duncan said. “By understanding the threat and taking appropriate actions, everyone can make a huge difference to the health of our water and fishery resources.”
Aquatic invasive species (AIS) are plant, animal and invertebrate species that threaten our waterways and can damage aquatic habitat, fisheries, valuable recreational resources and important power generation, irrigation and municipal water infrastructure.
AIS can be impossible to eliminate once established in a waterbody, and can cost millions of dollars annually to manage. Examples of AIS include the flowering rush, Prussian carp, zebra mussels and the spiny waterflea.