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Wayne Acorn's chair was vacant at Thursday's council meeting. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)
Rural politics

Sanctions imposed on R.M. councillor, told to make apology

Mar 19, 2020 | 5:09 PM

The reason why sanctions have been imposed on a Rural Municipality (R.M.) of Prince Albert councillor is now a bit clearer.

The minutes from the Feb. 13 council meeting were approved by council at their latest meeting on Thursday, and a copy was provided to paNOW.

In a press release at the time of the incident, Administrator Roxanne Roy simply referred to an incident at the meeting which “necessitated the removal of Division 5 Councilor Wayne Acorn.” The statement also indicated sanctions were placed on Acorn but there was no further clarification what those sanctions included.

According to the approved minutes, Acorn was removed after making “threatening gestures” toward the reeve, thereby constituting a code of ethics breach.

A motion later in the day, carried unanimously by council, moved by Div. 3 Councillor Barton Franc, said Acorn was in contravention of the R.M. Code of Ethics bylaw No. 15 of 2016.

“Councillor Wayne Acorn is hereby suspended from representing the R.M. of Prince Albert No. 461 on any and all committees, bodies and association until such time that Coun. Acorn attend and complete educational training for ethical and respectful conduct,” the resolution read.

Acorn was also ordered to present a verbal and written apology to the reeve, council and administration at a regular R.M. council meeting. Item two on Thursday’s council meeting agenda was titled “Opportunity for Councillor Acorn to address Reeve and Council re: Resolution #110/2020.”

(Nigel Maxwell/paNOW Staff)

Acorn was not present at the meeting and so the agenda item was not discussed. When contacted later for comment by paNOW, Acorn said he did not know he was allowed to attend.

Acorn declined to comment further on the issue, adding he was still discussing the matter with his lawyer and was advised not to say anything. R.M. Administrator Roxanne Roy also declined comment.

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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