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Chamber Channel

The Almost Mandatory Paper Bag Fee

Feb 13, 2020 | 2:32 PM

Did you know that our business community was almost mandated to charge 15 cents if they provided a paper bag to customers?

When the full ‘Plastic Bag’ bylaw was published online in December 2019, we at the Chamber noticed a short but significant clause which would have impacted many businesses. Specifically, 5A read:

“A retail business or food service business may provide a paper checkout bag to a customer at the customer’s request, for a minimum fee of 15 cents per paper checkout bag.”

While some interpreted this to mean a business may charge 15 cents for a paper bag, a careful reading reveals it meant the business ‘was allowed to provide a paper bag’ but if it did, it would be required to charge a minimum fee of 15 cents for that bag. There was no clarification of where that fee would go.

After a quick survey of our membership, the Chamber raised this point to City Council on January 27th. We asked for two things, that 5A be removed from the Plastic Bag bylaw, and that Council consider extending the date to implement the ban on Plastic Bags in the city.

While Council members were not willing to extend the date, they did agree to drop 5A.

Our thanks to Councillor Don Cody for making the motion to drop 5A, and to City Council for supporting it. Most of all, thank you to everyone who responded to our survey on such short notice. Without your responses, we would not have been able to effectively address the situation.

Also in January, Bill Powalinsky, our 2nd Vice Chair and I attended the SaskChamber Political Forum in Regina. Ministers and MLA’s of the NDP and the Sask Party were asked a number of questions, and given the opportunity to address. The prevailing question for both parties was about Mental Health, Addictions and Crime. How do we find a solution?

The event also gave us an opportunity to chat with Hudson Energy. We will be once again partnering with them to offer Chamber members a discount on your Natural Gas. Details will be coming shortly on that.

SOLD OUT! The State of the City Mayor’s Address was packed with 370 people. Thank to everyone that came out for the lunch, and thank you to each of you that responded to our after-event survey.

Beyond Chamber business, Mont St. Joseph’s held a Curling Bon Spiel, a great event and a great opportunity to network with the community. Thank you to the Rotary Club of Prince Albert for allowing me to curl on your team.

Our office is open Monday to Friday 8:30 to 4:30, the coffee is always on, please come and visit, let us know what we can do to help you.

Elise Hildebrandt, CEO

Prince Albert & District Chamber of Commerce

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