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Toll Talks

Province will not support tolling Diefenbaker Bridge

Jan 24, 2020 | 11:04 AM

It appears P.A. city council’s fundraising idea for a second bridge has been nixed.

In a letter to the city, the provincial Minister of Highways and Infrastructure said the government does not support tolling highway infrastructure, including the Diefenbaker Bridge. Minister Greg Ottenbreit further cautioned the city proceeding anyway could impact the provincial funding it receives to maintain roads within the city that connect highways.

“Applying a toll could place an additional hardship or restriction on roadway users,” said Ottenbreit in the letter.

The province provides Saskatchewan municipalities with money to maintain connector roads through the Urban Highway Connector Program (UHCP). Since 2011, Prince Albert has received $1,777,010 in grant payments through the agreement.

“If the City Council decides to proceed with a toll, there could be significant impacts on the UHCP funding agreement,” said Ottenbreit.

Coun. Charlene Miller proposed the idea of tolling the Diefenbaker bridge to fund the city’s portion of a second river crossing in July.

A previous city document estimated revenue from the toll could be up to $4.5 million annually.

Council will likely discuss the province’s response in detail at Monday night’s council meeting where the letter is on the agenda.

On Twitter: @alisandstrom

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