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The CID building at 15-15th St. West is currently for sale. (Alison Sandstrom/paNOW Staff)
Cops on the move

Police building for sale

Jan 21, 2020 | 5:27 PM

A Prince Albert police building is now on the market.

The offices at 15-15th St. West, currently home to the Criminal Investigation Division (CID), were listed by the city Monday with a minimum reserve bid of $350,000.

The decision to sell the CID building was agreed upon during planning for the purchase of the new downtown substation.

“Having more space is always nice,” Police Chief Jon Bergen told paNOW. “But there’s a cost to that, and I think there’s more value in having our staff working together in two facilities and also being mindful of the expenses.”

Staff in the CID building are currently in the process of moving into the neighboring main station where renovations have been done. Bergen estimates the building won’t change hands until March at the earliest, if and when a potential offer is approved.

What kind of business or organization will take over the space will be up to the city’s politicians.

“Depending on what the offers are, we’ll present that information to the Board [of Police Commissioners] and council,” explained Bergen. “Ultimately it’s owned by the city of Prince Albert so the decision lands with city council.”

The building and the land it sits on have a value of $640,000 according to the Saskatchewan Land Titles Registry.

On Twitter: @alisandstrom

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