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Muskoday First Nation now is enjoying better cellular coverage. (File Photo/paNOW Staff)
Wireless Coverage

Community welcomes new cellular infrastructure

Jan 17, 2020 | 2:38 PM

Muskoday First Nation is now enjoying improved cellular coverage.

This week SaskTel announced a new cellular tower had come online for the community. In a media release on the company’s website, Doug Burnett, SaskTel president and CEO said they are continuing to invest in their network to better serve communities.

Dean Bear, land governance director with Muskoday First Nation said before the construction of the new tower, there were dead zones in the area.

“There’d be times when not only people in our community, but people who are travelling through and they might be on a phone call and all of sudden it’ll drop out as soon as they get close to the river,” he said.

The new site will especially be appreciated in the summer according to Bear, as many people are travelling along Highway 3 on their way up the lakes.

Bear said the band found out last spring the work would be done. He added it is good for the community to get the new tower because in many communities more people are relying on cell phones for communication.

Since the new infrastructure was built and came online, Bear said he has already noticed improvements for his own service.

“Where I sit in my office, before I used to have one bar on my phone, now I’ve got full bars and it just means that much better communication,” he said.

Bear said the new tower is especially important to help people call for help in emergency situations and help emergency services communicate with people in need.

“Before you might not even be able to make that call,” he said.

On Twitter: @mjhskcdn

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