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R.M. of Buckland Reeve Don Fyrk is very proud of his gigantic Santa statue. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)
Roadside Attractions

Santa settling well into new digs

Dec 6, 2019 | 10:00 AM

A ten foot tall Santa is greeting passers by north of Prince Albert.

The statue was rescued last April from the city’s landfill and Don Fyrk has been working hard ever since to help restore Old Saint Nick to his jolly old self.

“I had some people donate some fibre glass to me but just in materials and all that, I guess I’ve got about $600 in him so far,” Fyrk admitted.

Santa was in pretty rough shape when he was discovered by Fyrk last Spring. (Submitted photo/ Wendy Fyrk)

The statue, which now stands proudly on the edge of Fyrk’s property, lit up by a spotlight at night, had been a mainstay for years at the water fountain at the old City Hall, and was later moved to the City’s entrance before getting tossed out. Fyrk recalled his own fond memories as a young boy staring up at the gigantic statue.

“So when I went to the dump one day and saw him standing on the top of the hill, waving at everybody, I thought no, no, no that can’t happen,” he said.

My those are some big feet you have Santa. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

Fyrk admitted his project is not perfect yet but hopes by next summer Santa will be back to normal.

“For some reason I just fell in love with him,” he said.

Welcome home Santa. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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