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Conservative MP Randy Hoback (left) speaks with P.A. Mayor Greg Dionne (right). (Alison Sandstrom/paNOW Staff)
Building P.A.

Local MP discusses infrastructure funding with P.A. mayor

Nov 26, 2019 | 6:00 PM

Local MP, Conservative Randy Hoback was in Prince Albert on Tuesday to meet with Mayor Greg Dionne.

The two sat down to discuss the city’s top federal funding priorities, among them a new $80 million sewage treatment plant, an $8 million bus barn and various other water and sewage projects.

Dionne said Hoback has been an effective advocate for the city, most recently by helping to secure $24 million dollars of federal funding for the new recreation centre announced in September.

Though there is no representation from Saskatchewan in the new Liberal government, the mayor was optimistic Hoback might find a receptive audience for Prince Albert’s concerns in Ottawa.

“I believe – different than our [provincial] government – that we have a great opportunity because the prime minister has reached out to the West and said ‘We want to bring the West back in, we realize that we did something that the West didn’t like,’” Dionne told paNOW.

“So let’s take that olive branch and see what we can get for it.”

For his part, Hoback said he was ready to negotiate with the Liberal government.

“I’ll always be willing to work with whoever is in power to get what we require for the riding of Prince Albert and the city of Prince Albert,” he told paNOW.

He added with potential new economic developments in the region like a possible diamond mine or a new hospital, Prince Albert needs upgrades to its aging infrastructure to be ready.

“There’s going to $500 million of economic activity in this region at least in the next five years that I think is going to be very bankable,” he said. “So when you look at that, the city has to positioned to take advantage of it.”

As for the $60 million arena, when asked by paNOW, Dionne said he could not disclose its location, as the city is was still waiting for a contract regarding the project from the federal government.

On Twitter: @alisandstrom

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