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(Submitted Photo/ Prince Albert Downtown Business Improvement District's Facebook page)
Holiday Spirit

City crews deck the halls downtown

Nov 22, 2019 | 12:01 PM

If you’re around Prince Albert’s downtown before sunrise or sunset, you’ll be treated to a sight of twinkling lights and holiday decorations.

City crews were out this week hanging holiday ornaments on city streets.

“It’s looking a lot more like Christmas downtown,” Prince Albert Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) Executive Director, Carolyn Carleton said. “We have all of our downtown merchants decorating their store fronts and now we have all the Christmas lights on city lights. It’s looking very Christmassy.”

She expressed holidays are a nice opportunity for store owners to draw people to their businesses.

“When we have the different holidays, it creates a nice sense of community. When you see the families coming downtown for the Santa Claus parade, it’s a family tradition that brings our community together,” Carleton added.

Carleton said the BID and city crews have collaborated to time the setup of the decorations to line up with the annual Santa Claus parade.

“It starts Saturday Nov. 30, at 11 a.m. It begins at 9th street in the area of the Salvation Army, then it will travel up Central Ave. We will be going the ‘wrong’ direction up Central Ave, I guess Santa has special permission,” she joked.

Following the parade Santa will make an immediate stop at the Gateway Mall and will be available for pictures.

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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