Local Green wants ‘less divisive’ leader
The lone Green Party candidate in our region in the recent federal election is thanking Elizabeth May for her service as leader but wants her replacement to be a vibrant person who can motivate voters from all sides of the spectrum.
On Monday, May announced her decision to step down after nearly 13 years at the helm. She will stay on as an MP and as parliamentary leader of the Green party caucus.
Christopher Lake’s Sarah Kraynick, who came a distant fourth out of the five candidates in the Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River riding Oct. 21, said some people she met while campaigning found May’s leadership decisions to be divisive.
“She went to [Independent candidate] Jody Wilson-Raybould’s campaign start and didn’t put the same strength behind the Green candidate in that riding,” Kraynick told paNOW. “She didn’t throw her support behind everybody and that got to people. She was always on the coast instead of coming to us in Saskatchewan, for example.”