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Discussions are ongoing about user fees levied on out of town residents using city sports facilities. (Logan Lehmann/paNOW)
Municipal services

City of Prince Albert, RMs in talks over user fees

Feb 25, 2025 | 5:12 PM

The City of Prince Albert and RMs of Buckland and Prince Albert are in discussions over user fees charged to rural residents using city recreational facilities.

Prince Albert’s city council decided a year ago to levy the fees because neither RM contributed to the cost of running facilities, but city property taxes are higher because of the extra cost.

“I really appreciate the RMs coming together with us. That was very positive,” said Mayor Bill Powalinsky.

The charge for an indoor facility is $150 and $75 for using an outdoor facility. Those amounts add up, especially for families with more than one child playing with a Prince Albert team, said Reeve Tyrel Tait of the RM of Prince Albert.

He is hopeful the discussions result in positive changes.

“We had a meeting about a month ago where it was a topic of discussion but nothing was decided at that meeting. We’re waiting to hear more from the city before we take it back to council or make any decisions,” he said.

That message was echoed by Reeve Larry Eros of the RM of Buckland.

“It is forward motion,” he said. They would like a wider discussion with more RMs involved.

Powalinsky said the city has promised to look a little deeper into the issue and all three parties said several meetings need to happen before any changes can be made.

“We committed to doing a little bit of further research into usage by surrounding communities and RMs. We would then work out what a relative cost would be,” Powalinsky said.

Discussion on costs will include operating costs and compare the numbers to what city taxpayers fork out on their tax bill.

“Then there’s a commitment to go back and sit down and review the information. I’m hoping we can arrive at some arrangement,” he stated.

He pointed to the fact that new faces on all three councils might result in some new ideas on how to find a solution that works for all the municipalities and their residents.

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