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Prince Albert Provincial Court. (File photo/ paNOW Staff)
Court proceedings

‘We are fortunate no one died’: Prince Albert shooting case triggers seven-year sentence

Jan 27, 2025 | 2:19 PM

A man who pointed a gun at the back of another man’s head and pulled the trigger, was high on drugs and had no memory of what transpired.

Those details were shared inside a Prince Albert courtroom on Monday, before Gage Pratt received a seven-year prison sentence. With credit for time spent on remand, he has roughly four years and three months left to serve.

The case that dates back to March, 2023 initially proceeded to trial however after the appearance of a number of witnesses, and some discussion between lawyers, Pratt instead opted to take responsibility for his crime and guilty pleas were entered to intentional discharge of a firearm and assault with a weapon.

Standing outside provincial court. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

According to facts read in court by Crown prosecutor Kristen Hubbard, the victim was intially invited over to a house on MacDonald Avenue and was drinking with both Pratt and Colten Lafond.

An argument began after the victim was questioned about impregnating a 17-year-old girl and soon after, Lafond instructed a woman who was present to retrieve a gun from a vehicle parked outside.

Sensing he might be in trouble, the victim then armed himself with a pair of scissors and a screwdriver.

A physical altercation occurred between Lafond and the victim and during that time, the gun, after discharging once towards the roof, was dropped to the floor. That’s when Pratt picked it up and after pointing it at the victim’s head, pulled the trigger. Through some miracle though, the victim was able to turn their head at just the right time and the bullet only grazed the skin.

The victim then fled to a neighbour’s house where he called for help.

“We’re lucky the outcome wasn’t catastrophic,” Hubbard commented.

Among the charges withdrawn by the Crown was attempted murder, and when asked to explain, Hubbard noted a significant amount of pro quo between lawyers, as well as consideration for Pratt’s Gladue factors.

Defence lawyer Michelle Caron advised that at the time of the incident he was struggling with a drug addiction and has very little memory of what happened.

Caron then went to described Pratt’s traumatic upbringing which included being exposed to needle use at a very young age. He was moved around to various foster homes. He also witnessed a dead body – to which Pratt’s mother was later convicted for manslaughter and received an 11-year sentence. Around the same time as his mother’s initial charge, he also witnessed a close friend take their own life.

Noting Pratt has never truly received help for his trauma, Caron made a request he be allowed to serve some of his sentence at a healing lodge.

“There’s certainly an argument it would benefit Mr. Pratt,” Hubbard replied when asked by Judge Harradence for her position on the request which will ultimately be left up to Correctional Service of Canada.

When provided the opportunity to speak, Pratt said he was very remorseful for what happened, wants to get a job, and is focused on being a better person.

“I want to be there for my daughter and help raise her up because my family wasn’t there for me,” he said.

Prior to sentencing Pratt, Judge Harradence noted the escalating gun-related occurrences in Prince Albert.

“This is an example of the danger that can occur,” he said. “We are fortunate no one died.”

Further noting Pratt’s minimal criminal record, upbringing, and well-spoken mannerism, Harradence said he accepted Pratt’s expression of remorse and encouraged him to seek out programming at the penitentiary.

“It’s a real tragedy,” he said.

Following his release from custody, Pratt will be prohibited for life from owning or possessing any firearms.

Last week, Colten Lafond, who entered guilty to similar charges, received a five-year prison sentence.

April Abbott, the woman who reportedly retrieved the gun from the vehicle, was granted a stay of proceedings on all her charges.

On X: @nigelmaxwell