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Agricultural Benefits Settlement

NOTICE OF RATIFICATION VOTE – Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation

Jan 15, 2025 | 8:23 AM

December 16, 2024


TAKE NOTICE that a Ratification Vote of the Voters of Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation pursuant to the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Treaty 6 Agricultural Benefits Settlement Agreement Voting Guidelines (the “Voting Guidelines”) will be held to determine if the Voters of Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation approve and assent to the:

  1. Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Treaty 6 Agricultural Benefits Settlement Agreement(the “Settlement Agreement”) between Canada and Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation,
  2. Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Agricultural Benefits Settlement Trust Agreement(the “Trust Agreement”), and,
  3. Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Agricultural Benefits Finance Code (the “FinanceCode”)

The Settlement Agreement, Trust Agreement, Finance Code and Voting Guidelines can be accessed on the members only platform on PBCN’s website at

Copies will also be made available at eight PBCN Band Administration Offices.

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Ratification Vote will take place by way of Electronic Voting and In-Person Voting as follows:

IN-PERSON VOTING (January 24, 2025, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.)

Denare Beach

DenarePlex 1718 Wigwam Drive

Denare Beacg, SK S0P 0B0

Deschambault Lake

Kimosom Pwatinahk Collegiate
General Delivery
Deschambault Lake, SK S0P 0C0

Pelican Narrows

Pelican Narrows Band Office
5315 Highway 135
Pelican Narrows, SK S0P 0E0

Prince Albert

Coronet Hotel 

3551 2nd Avenue West
Prince Albert, SK S6V 5G1

Sandy Bay

Gary Morin Memorial Hall

2nd Avenue

Sandy Bay, SK S0P 0G0


Saskatoon Inn & Conference Centre

2002 Airport Drive

Saskatoon, SK S7L 6M4


Southend Band Hall

Lagoon Road

Highway 102

Southend, SK S0J 2L0

ELECTRONIC VOTING (9:00 a.m. on January 19, 2025 to 8:00 p.m. on January 22, 2025)

To vote electronically go to the Simply Voting Website at:

When you get to the website you will be prompted through the process to cast your vote.

The following Ballot Question will be asked of the Voters of Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation by secret ballot:

As a Voter of the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation (the “First Nation”), do you:

(a) agree to all of the terms and conditions of the Peter Ballantyne Cree NationTreaty 6 Agricultural Benefits Settlement Agreement initialled by thenegotiators for the First Nation and Canada, which settles and releases thematters set out in the Settlement Agreement, the Trust Agreement in itssubstantial form, and the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Agricultural BenefitsFinance Code, in its substantial form.


(b) authorize and direct the Council of the First Nation to sign all documents anddo everything necessary to give effect to the Peter Ballantyne Cree NationTreaty 6 Agricultural Benefits Settlement Agreement, the Trust Agreement inits substantial form, and the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Agricultural BenefitsFinance Code in its substantial form?

Mark this Ballot by placing an “X”, check mark or other mark, under the word “YES” or “NO” within the appropriate box, clearly indicating your response to the question asked, but without identifying yourself.

AND TAKE NOTICE that an Information Meeting for purposes of the Ratification Vote will be held on January 7, 2025 at the following location from 1:00pm to 5:00pm:

In Person:

Plaza 88

888 Central Avenue

Prince Albert, Saskatchewan S6V 4V1

The information meeting will also be live-streamed at the following locations:


1718 Wigwam Drive

Denare Beach, SK S0P 0B0

Wapawikoscikan School

Bear Street

Pelican Narrows, SK S0P 0E0

Saskatoon Inn & Conference Centre

2002 Airport Drive

Saskatoon, SK S7L 6M4

Southend Band Hall

Lagoon Road

Highway 102

Southend, SK S0J 2L0

Kimosom Pwatinahk Collegiate

General Delivery

Deschambault Lake, SK S0P 0C0

Gary Morin Memorial Hall
2nd Avenue
Sandy Bay, SK S0P 0G0

Sturgeon Landing Youth Centre

East Avenue

Sturgeon Landing, SK S0J 2E1

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a Voters List is posted at the PBCN Administration Office and will be emailed to voters for whom PBCN has an email address for.

Articles 7.2 through 7.6 of the Voting Guidelines provide:

7.2 It is the responsibility of each Voter to ensure that their current mailing address and/or current email address is on file with the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation.

7.3 A Member may apply to the Ratification Officer before the close of In-Person Voting Day to have the Voters List revised if such Member believes that:

7.3.1 the name of a Voter has been omitted from the Voters List; or

7.3.2 the name of a Voter is incorrectly set out or should not be included on the Voters List.

7.4 Where the Ratification Officer is satisfied that a revision of the Voters List is necessary following an application under Articles 7.3, they will make the revisions accordingly.

7.5 A Member may apply to the Ratification Officer to have their name added to the Voters List before the close of In-Person Voting Day if that Member provides:

7.5.1 proof of eligibility to vote by completing the Declaration of Membership and Eligibility to Vote Form substantially in the form of Appendix C. This proof shall include (a) documentation, (b) corroboration of the Membership Clerk, or (c) such other evidence to the satisfaction of the Ratification officer that verifies that the Voter’s name is recorded on the Band List, and that the Voter is at least eighteen (18) years old on the date of the Ratification Vote and not disqualified from voting at Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation elections.

7.6 Upon receipt and confirmation of the information in the Declaration of Membership and Eligibility to Vote Form as required in Article 7.5, the Ratification Officer will revise the Voters List where they are satisfied such revision is necessary.

If the name of a Voter has been omitted from the Voters List or the name of a Voter is incorrectly set out or should not be included on the Voters List please contact the Ratification Officer.

DATED at Kamloops, in the Province of British Columbia, this 13th day of December, 2024.

Ron Laufer, Ratification Officer for

Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation

You can contact the Ratification Officer at:

Address: PO Box 96125, Mountain View PO, Vancouver, BC V5V 0H7


Phone: 1-833-443-VOTE (8683)