Caring Society tries to force Canada back to the table to talk child welfare reform
OTTAWA — The First Nations Child and Family Caring Society is calling on the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal to force the federal government back to the negotiation table on First Nations child welfare reforms.
The society filed a motion with the tribunal Tuesday calling for an order directing the federal government to negotiate child welfare reforms with both the society and the Assembly of First Nations, and ensuring the society has a seat at the table for coming consultations between the AFN and Ottawa on First Nations child welfare reform in Ontario.
Those consultations were announced on Jan. 7 — one day after the federal government told the AFN it could not renegotiate a $47.8 billion child welfare reform agreement on a national level.
That agreement was struck between Canada, the Chiefs of Ontario, Nishnawbe Aski Nation and the Assembly of First Nations in July after a nearly two-decade-long legal fight over Ottawa’s underfunding of on-reserve child welfare services.