Secularism: Montreal City Hall to remove welcome poster that includes veiled woman
MONTREAL — Montreal’s mayor says a welcome sign depicting a woman wearing a veil that adorns a lobby at city hall will be taken down in the name of secularism.
Valérie Plante said during a talk show that aired Sunday night that the image of the woman wearing a hijab will be removed because of the “discomfort” it causes but also because institutions must strive to be secular.
The welcome sign, as well as a photo in a public library of a young girl wearing a headscarf, has been criticized in the media, and the Parti Québécois has said the two images show that religion has begun invading the public sphere.
Plante told Radio-Canada talk show “Tout le monde en parle” that she understands the discomfort with the welcome sign, adding that it’s possible to promote diversity as well as secularism.