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The ribbon is cut on the senior's affordable housing units at 656 20th Street East with members of Prince Albert Community Housing, the Saskatchewan Government, the City of Prince Albert, and members of the build team in attendance. (Nick Nielsen)
New homes for families fleeing violent situations

Ribbon cut and sod turned on new affordable housing units

Sep 11, 2024 | 1:21 PM

While the ribbon was cut on one affordable housing unit in Prince Albert, the sod was turned to start another build on another unit in the city.

Joanne Moisan has been the manager for Prince Albert Community Housing since April, and she said that seeing one project start just as another finishes was a great feeling.

“Today is exciting and amazing, and to work with such great people is great and to help people to, help the seniors and the women that are leaving violence with their children, this is an amazing day.”

The home that opened today is located at 656 20th Street East, is one that is set to be accessible for elderly folks. With another seniors complex on Seventh Street is already full, and the one that just opened today already has a list of people waiting to move in.

“These ones will be completely full on October 1. We have three out of the five filled already.”

An outside look at the new affordable housing units for seniors that opened today. (Nick Nielsen)
People in attendance were given a tour of what the units looked like on the inside. (Nick Nielsen)

As for the new home that just had the sod turned at 354 Sixth Street East, this affordable housing unit has a different purpose. For people fleeing abusive relationships, one of the most difficult challenges is finding a suitable place to live, especially if children are involved.

The homes they are starting to build today are aimed at fulfilling that need, giving people a safe place to call home. While today is a good step, Moisan still wants to see more builds like this is the city.

“I think that it’s great to have, but I think we’re still short of what we need. We need more resources, more help for them, we need more addictions help.”

Prince Albert MLA Alana Ross, Mayor Greg Dionne, Joanne Moisan, and Kelsey Daniels turn the sod on the newest affordable housing units. (Nick Nielsen)
Members of the public watch as Joanne Moisan welcomes everyone to the sod turning for the new affordable housing units at 354 6th Street East. (Nick Nielsen.)

These affordable housing units are scheduled to be completed by the fall of 2025.

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