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Workers put the final touches on the new turf at Max Clunie Field ahead of its final inspection on Saturday. (Logan Lehmann/paNOW Staff)

Wet weather forces delays on track and field renovations

Aug 23, 2024 | 3:00 PM

The renovations of the Harry Jerome Track and Max Clunie Football Field in Prince Albert will not be finished in time for the start of the upcoming school year.

The reason being uncooperative and wet weather, which has sidelined workers and caused some construction delays.

“We ran behind a little bit because of the rain we got in the early summer. We had two and a half – three weeks of heavy rain that put some of the excavation of the track work behind,” explained Mike Hurd, the Superintendent of Facilities for the Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division (SRPSD).

“Our weather did have an impact on us here, I’d say about a two and a half week delay.”

What the renovations look like as of August 22, 2024. (Logan Lehmann/paNOW Staff)

He added that while the football field is undergoing a final turf inspection this weekend, work on the track will not start again until next week. The installation of the new track is expected to take three weeks.

Although the field’s renovation is complete, Hurd said the track must be installed before any action happens on the new field.

“I’m not saying we’re not playing football on the field, but we’re not having the season opener there. I would hope that we can get [teams] playing football there in late September, and then whatever games they normally schedule can be played there in October. But they’re going to have to schedule the start of their season at other fields, either away games or on the practice field at Carlton, or at PACI.”

Despite the track renovation delay, Hurd said that once everything is complete the facility will be a huge benefit to the community for years to come.

“They’re going to get all kinds of people wanting to do track things up here now when we get this state-of-the-art track done. Our other one was getting too dangerous just the way it was deteriorating. With this new track, they can host anything there like provincials or local meets.”

The North Saskatchewan Football League season is slated to start in early September.

Last September, the City of Prince Albert and SRPSD anticipated the cost of the upgrades to be just under $1.5 million. The division and the City shared the cost. The new track and turf will help meet requirements that Saskatchewan Athletics have to host provincial track and field tournaments.