City putting proposal together for complex needs centre, approves casino expansion
The Monday, Aug. 19 Prince Albert city council meeting was a longer one than usual with topics ranging from rezoning of properties to an expansion of the casino in the city to a proposal to the province for a new facility in Prince Albert.
One of the main topics of conversation came near the end of the agenda when Councillor Blake Edwards put out a notice of motion for the next meeting. Edwards would like the city to put together a proposal for the provincial government to build a complex needs centre in Prince Albert.
The idea behind the centre is to have a facility in Prince Albert that is dedicated to those struggling with addictions, homelessness, or any other issues that have people spending nights in the emergency room of the hospital taking away a bed from someone that could use it. Councillor Edwards believes that such a centre would help the hospitals and police focus on what their jobs are, and help give homeless people in the area a place to stay.
Edwards outlined some of the major areas he’d like to see in a complex needs centre.