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Desspite a number of troubling incidents early on, attendance numbers at this summer's fair rose to record levels. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)
Public safety

P.A. mayor pleased with fair attendance, vows to address bear spray incidents

Aug 9, 2024 | 3:07 PM

Prince Albert mayor says more needs to be done with respect to the province’s bear spray regulations.

Greg Dionne’s recent letter to the Justice Minister is in response to three incidents at last week’s summer fair, as well as one that occurred in June during an annual street fair event.

“If it’s illegal to carry it in urban centers, there should be regulations how its sold,” he said.

The provincial regulations, which took effect at the end of February, state people can carry bear spray in urban areas under certain circumstances, but they need to demonstrate a reasonable need to do so. For example, they may need it if a bear was recently seen in their community. Further noting the issue is not isolated to Prince Albert, Dionne said a number of mayors are upset and want the accessibility addressed too.

“As long as they can get their hands on it, they will continue to use it,” he said.

In relation to one of the bear incidents, in which four people were affected, a youth was charged and he has a pending court date of Aug. 21.

Also on the Wednesday, a woman was charged with slashing tires near the exhibition grounds and her next court date is Aug. 15. There were also multiple videos shared on social media of people fighting.

“Thursday, Friday, Saturday, we had no incidents that were reported to us at least,” Dionne said.

And even though some people, in response to the first night’s criminal activities, publicly voiced their intentions not to attend, the overall attendance numbers did not reflect this.

The actual turnout for the Prince Albert Exhibition was up 20 per cent from last year which Dionne, who is also president of the Exhibition Association, attributed to a combination of good weather and new attractions.

The chuckwagon races were extended from three days to five; there were fives new rides added to the Midway; and there was a new event featuring a show and shine and drag involving semi-trucks.

“We’ll have it again next year to show people something different and the crowd was incredible,” Dionne said.

Dionne also extended his thanks to all the vendors and volunteers, and said everything this year just seemed to click.

“I compare us to farming, if the weather is good we harvest,” he said.

On X: @nigelmaxwell

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