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Canadian Firearms Program Enhanced Online Services

Jul 15, 2024 | 9:28 AM

The Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) is committed to providing services that are simple, modern and efficient. CFP’s new online services reduce processing times and provide secure and seamless processing of firearms licence and registration applications for 2.3 million individual and 4,500 business clients.

First-time applicants (individuals, businesses, carriers and shooting clubs and ranges) can submit and check the status of their firearms licence applications online.

The MyCFP inbox allows applicants to communicate with the CFP quickly and securel

Additionally, Safety Course Instructors may also enter Canadian Firearms Safety Course report results online.

Modernization efforts will continue with more services moving online. Visit us for the latest updates at

Legislative change

Former Bill C-21, An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms) received Royal Assent on December 15, 2023. Information about Bill C-21 can be found on the Public Safety Canada website.

The Government of Canada has announced that the requirement to have a valid Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) to transfer a firearm barrel or handgun slide and the requirement to have a valid PAL to import these parts, ammunition and cartridge magazines, will take effect on September 1, 2024.

Information about the new licensing requirements can be found at

Other measures that are already in effect include:

  • businesses and individuals may only transfer cartridge magazines to an individual that holds a valid PAL;
  • a national “freeze” on handguns;
  • changes to the definition of a “prohibited firearm”;
  • “red flag” laws (emergency weapons prohibition order); and
  • new Criminal Code offences.

Additional measures will take effect at a later date.

Information about former Bill C-21 can be found at

Canadian Firearms Program Royal Canadian Mounted Police