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Family entertainment

Themed mini-golf course and family fun centre opening at Christopher Lake

Jul 6, 2024 | 8:00 AM

A major development at Christopher Lake is sure to please all the families who live in and visit the area.

Three partners from Saskatoon have purchased the land previously held by the hotel and bar and will take possession on Aug. 1. Their plans include an 18 hole mini-golf course, indoor pickleball courts, beach volleyball and a spray park for the kids.

Kevin Doell’s family has had a cabin at McIntosh Point for over 50 years. He told paNOW every hole on the course, to be developed the same group that did the one at Waskesiu, is going to pay tribute to various landmarks in the area.

“So for instance one hole will honour the different camps in the area, and another one will honour the various indigenous reserves in the area and we will probably put a tipi on that hole,” he said.

Doell added that there will be a write-up provided at each hole to explain their significance and thereby provide an educational experience.

Doell says his goal is to create a community gathering place. (Submitted/ Kevin Doell)

The road to get this point has been filled with a few detours.

Doell noted the original plan years ago was to buy the property at Sunnyside, but the owner declined to sell. A parcel of land at McIntosh Point was also being looked at, but when informed about potential drainage issues arising from the construction of a new road, Doell and his partners went back to the drawing board.

This location on Main Street was viewed, in the end, as a better choice as there was no land prep required and its proximity to all the existing services in the area. Going forward, Doell mentioned he would like to open the mini-golf course and beach volleyball courts for the May long weekend next year.

“We’re looking at different options for the pickleball facility, hoping to get it up by next year as well but worst case scenario, it will be the following year,” he said.

The project received unanimous support from the Village council and Doell mentioned the response from the community has also been very positive.

“It’s definitely a business but part of what makes me excited is as a long time community member out in Lakeland, to be able to bring something to the community of that quality and of that stature for the whole family, is quite exciting to me because it kind of leaves a legacy,” he said.

On X: @nigelmaxwell

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