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One road access to Prince Albert National Park has been closed because of damage. (Facebook/PANP)
Prince Albert National Park

Parks Canada closes one road to P.A. National Park

Jun 26, 2024 | 9:21 AM

UPDATE: The bridge has been repaired and the highway was opened the afternoon of July 4.

One access to Prince Albert National Park is closed after damage to the highway, caused by high water levels on the Spruce River.

An announcement posted on the park’s social media page late Tuesday evening says the North Spruce River Bridge on Highway 263 is closed.

Highway 2, which becomes Highway 264 once it enters the park is still open.

Parks Canada shared this map of road closures at Prince Albert National Park.

Record rainfall in June led to high waters on the Spruce River after the province opened the dam at Anglin Lake. The reservoir was nine inches past capacity and if water had not been released, officials worried the dam integrity would be compromised.

Parks Canada said they have engaged bridge safety engineer to assess the extent of the damage to the bridge.

The park is still open but drivers are warned that traffic attempting Highway 263 won’t make it through.

To access the Sandy (Halkett) Lake campground, Elk trail, Paspiwin and Hunters trail, enter the south of the park through the south gate on Highway 263.

Freight Tait Springs Trailhead and parking lot are closed to public access.

Some backcountry bridges may have damaged from flooding and may be impassable. Drivers should be vigilant on the trail and be prepared to turn around.

Updates to the status of the highways can be found on the park’s social media pages or on the Saskatchewan Highway Hotline.

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