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Jaylene Morin is pursuing a career in the medical field. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

2024 Carlton grad class promotes strength in diversity and perseverence

Jun 26, 2024 | 6:00 PM

Roughly 300 young adults are part of this year’s graduating class at Carlton Comprehensive High School.

The grand march and ceremony was held Wednesday afternoon at the CPAC gym. Alexa Golding is this year’s Valedictorian and when interviewed by paNOW had this message for the class.

“Just to appreciate all the small moments in life because we sometimes learn the most from the littlest experiences,” she said.

Throughout her four years in high school, Golding has maintained a high academic average, and also volunteers with the Youth In Action program for the health authority at Herb Basset Home. Her hard work earned her a prestigious Chancellor scholarship through the U of S for $30.000.

Golding also played volleyball for the Toppers and the Crusaders, and was on this year’s grad committee. Noting the past four years that have included both a pandemic and teacher sanctions, she described her high school experience as turbulent.

“Lots of challenges but you know we persevered through everything,” she said.

Dynero Daniels-Nabess received a Star Blanket. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

When asked what she will remember most about high school, Golding replied it’s the time with her friends at various school and sports events. This fall she will begin taking classes in general studies here in Prince Albert, and while unsure of what her path will be exactly, has a keen interest in math and sciences.

As diplomas were being handed out earlier in the day, teachers were observed getting very emotional and on more than one occasion, hugged the graduating student. Principal Jenn Ferguson explained this year’s class is pretty special.

“They’ve been through four or five pretty tough years. They didn’t get to have a grade 8 farewell, they started grade 9 every second day only, and really had to persevere the last four or five years to get to where they are today,” she said.

This year also represented Ferguson’s first year back at Carlton, and was also able to hand her own nephew his diploma.

“They are such a great group of kids, so diverse, with so many strengths, and I have no doubt they are going to be amazing contributors to Prince Albert,” she said.

My Nguyen with her family. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

On X: @nigelmaxwell

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