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(Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)
Supporting athletes

Prince Albert event raises nearly $9K for local Special Olympic athletes

Jun 21, 2024 | 7:16 AM

Update June 22: Combining money raised through online peer-to-peer fundraiser page with all the offline cash donations, The Prince Albert Law Enforcement Torch Run (PA LETR) raised more than $18,000.00 at their second Free Our Finest Fundraiser event.


Thanks to the efforts of some of Prince Albert’s finest, nearly $9,000 has been raised to support local Special Olympics athletes.

The total as of Friday morning was still growing. Bre Eberle, marketing and development coordinator with Special Olympics Saskatchewan explained this will help the athletes go to provincial or even national tournaments.

“It can help support equipment they need, facilities, clothing sometimes if they are doing uniforms, all of that money goes right back to our athletes which is amazing,” she said.

Thursday’s fundraising event involved the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) members of Prince Albert, which includes city police, RCMP, highway patrol, conservation and corrections officers. Eberle said she enjoys the partnership.

‘It’s great to get out into the community, it’s great to work with our athletes and interact with all the officers.”

Ashley Schneider works at Hope’s Home and was among the finest raising bail money. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

As part of the fundraising fun, local residents volunteered to get locked up until they were successful in collecting their bail goal. Sgt. Rhonda Meakin speaks on behalf of both the Prince Albert City Police and the Law Enforcement Torch Run team. She noted last year was the inaugural event.

“It was so much fun and everyone said lets do it again, so here we are,” she said.

Meakin added that on top of raising money for a good cause, the event also provides an opportunity for the officers and athletes to meet and mingle.

Jacob Goulet was among a number of Special Olympics athletes on hand and he personally plays floor hockey, basketball, bowling, and participates in golf. The registration fees for all sports come to over $100 so he appreciates the support from the law enforcement officers.

“I think it’s pretty nice they get to do it and I like it so much,” he said.

Thursday’s event also included an educational component where members of the public could ask the respective officers in attendance questions about their jobs.

Young kids get their fingerprints taken. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

On X: @nigelmaxwell

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