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BDO Debt Solutions

Financially Healthy Habits

Jun 6, 2024 | 8:14 PM

“The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of Pattison Media and this site.”

The number one cause of stress for many Canadians is money – even more so than work, relationships, or physical health. The BDO Affordability Index found that 46% percent of Canadians are concerned about their current debt situation.

This is not surprising given the economic climate we have been living in for several years now.

Worrying about finances can actually cause people to suffer from physical health issues as well – including high blood pressure, headaches, anxiety, and depression. Establishing healthy habits can improve your financial, mental, and physical health.

Everyone’s situation is different, but below are some suggestions to get you thinking about some healthy habits to incorporate into your day.

Suggested Habits to Improve Physical, Mental and Financial Well-Being

  • Walking or biking to work instead of driving;
  • Making food at home instead of dining out or ordering in;
  • Replacing juices and sodas with water;
  • Committing to a minimum of 7 hours of sleep per night;
  • Limiting the screentime you allow yourself in a day.

Below are some tips to help you to incorporate more healthy habits into your day-to-day routine.

Focus on Your Own Journey

There is an expression that says “comparison is the thief of joy.” It is very difficult to be content if we are constantly focused on what others have or what they are doing.

Everyone’s circumstances are different. A better habit is to look at your own situation and accomplishments to measure how far you have come. That way you can look back on your progress and appreciate the changes you have made. You may not be where you want now, but if you set some goals and do the work, you can progress closer to where you want to be.

Identify What Matters Most

Spend the time to figure out what is most important to you. It is all about prioritization. Think about what you would like to accomplish in both the short and long term. Write things down, and focus on progress, not perfection.

Reward Yourself

Building rewards into your plan can be very motivating and help to keep you on track. The rewards don’t have to be extravagant. They can be simple things like treating yourself to your favorite meal, indulging in an activity that you enjoy, or setting time aside to enjoy some self-care.

Out with the Old, and in with the New

Starting your journey is often the hardest part. It is often effective to start with something small and achievable. You want to look at replacing old habits with new ones. The key is repetition. According to experts, it takes approximately 66 days for a new behaviour to become automatic. You also want to eliminate your bad habits too.

An example might be eating breakfast at home and biking to work in the morning instead of driving and picking up food on the way. Eliminating the old habits and replacing them with new, healthier habits is better for you physically, mentally, and financially.

Focus on Progress, not Perfection

Change is not easy. Take the time to set achievable and meaningful goals, but remember it is also important to give yourself some grace. Don’t expect perfection. If you have a bad day, start fresh again the next day. As long as your new habits are working their way into your routine, you are making progress. And that should be celebrated.

If you are having trouble making ends meet each month, finding the right debt solution can help. Visit the BDO Debt Solutions website for more information, or call 1 855 BDO DEBT to book a free, no obligation consultation.

Jasmin Brown is a Senior Vice President overseeing the insolvency practice in Saskatchewan. She is committed to providing creative and practical debt solutions with empathy, understanding and professionalism to help people overcome their financial difficulties.