Exciting Lineup Revealed for Prince Albert Downtown Street Fair
Bag Pipers and dancers, free admission to the museum, street magic and a ‘Pig Roast’ on Central Avenue!
It’s all part of the upcoming Street Fair being held on Saturday, June 15th.
The Prince Albert Downtown Business Improvement District unveiled plans for the annual event which will kick off at 10 a.m. with the Highlander Pipes and Drum Band setting the tone for the day. They will lead a procession accompanied by Ballet n’All that Jazz and the Performing Arts Warehouse. The procession will start at 14th Street and Central Ave. Once it reaches 11th Street, choir singers from Big Noise, Resonate, And Reverb will serenade the crowd with their rendition of ‘O Canada.’
From there, the opportunities for the public to enjoy are endless. Admission to the Historical Museum will be free for the day as will horse and wagon rides departing from the museum parking lot.