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Teachers demonstrate in Prince Albert earlier this year. (Nigel Maxwell/paNOW)
Contract negotiations

Teachers reject provincial offer by 90%

May 9, 2024 | 7:52 PM

No deal has been reached between Saskatchewan’s teachers and the province after months of negotiations. Over the last two days, teachers have voted on the latest offer and “overwhelmingly” rejected it.

The STF said that 90 per cent of teachers have said no to the deal.

“The message to government and the Saskatchewan School Boards Association is crystal clear: their so-called ‘final offer’ is unacceptable and does a disservice to students and teachers. The Government of Saskatchewan and the SSBA must finally take this process and these issues seriously and work with teachers in good faith to address the crisis occurring in publicly funded schools under their watch,” said STF President Samantha Becotte in a news release.

The STF bargaining committee has invited their provincial/school board counterparts to resume negotiation on May 13 and 14.

Becotte said that the strong vote should show the province that the STF has the support of members.

She anticipates the government will opt to resume bargaining and that is why no sanctions have been announced so far.

“We are now a year into this process, having opened negotiations last May. We are nearing the end of a school year spent under the shadow of an intransigent government that seems to disregard the largest job sanctions ever undertaken by Saskatchewan teachers and ignore students’ needs. No more backroom deals and no more ‘final offers,” she said.

Becotte also pointed out that while school divisions are finishing their budgets for next year, they are finding that funding is still “grossly insufficient”.

The main sticking point in negotiations so far has been the issue of funding classroom complexity – and guaranteeing that funding continues by including it in the work contract with teachers.

So far, the province has refused, saying the money should be funnelled through school divisions. The STF says that leaves the option to have the funding diverted elsewhere and they want a stronger assurance.

Over 92 per cent of teachers cast a vote over the last two days.

In response to the vote, Sask. NDP Leader Carla Beck issued a statement.

“Today’s resounding rejection by Saskatchewan teachers sends a clear message to the Scott Moe’s government – he’s failed our education system and it’s time for change.

Teachers, parents and now even students know Scott Moe doesn’t care about education and are ready to do something about it. Our next generation deserves better.

“After a decade of broken promises, Saskatchewan teachers are united demanding better from this government.”