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Brian Mulroney served as Canada's 18th Prime Minister from 1984 to 1993. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick)
Tributes to former Prime Minister

Sask. MPs remember former Prime Minister Mulroney

Mar 1, 2024 | 4:00 PM

As the nation mourns the death of Brian Mulroney this week, a number of Saskatchewan MPs shared their thoughts on the former prime minister.

Prince Albert MP Randy Hoback was startled when he first heard that he had passed away.

“He was such a big part of Canadian history,” Hoback said. “I was on a Zoom call last night when I found out. Everybody went quiet and I was in shock. I just wasn’t expecting it.”

Hoback said that Mulroney was a significant factor in the Conservative movement and the Conservative Party.

He remembers Mulroney as a leader who followed through on his plans.

“He definitely had a vision,” Hoback said. “He definitely wasn’t scared to be controversial when he had to be. He was the one who did bring in the GST and got rid of the Manufacturers’ Sales Tax.”

Hoback noted that Mulroney’s decisions ultimately benefited the Canadian economy, and helped it become more global.

Battlefords—Lloydminster MP Rosemarie Falk said in a statement she was saddened to learn of his passing.

“He will be remembered for his dedicated public service, statesmanship, and lasting contributions to our country,” she said. “I join with all Canadians in offering my sincere condolences to his family and loved ones.”

Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River MP Gary Vidal explained in his own statement that during his leadership Mulroney made great strides to benefit Canada’s place in the global market.

Mulroney set a standard for unwavering commitment to serving his country. Winning one of the biggest majorities in Canadian history, he used his time in public office to transform our nation with bold ideas and a strong approach. From economic and constitutional reform to concluding one of the world’s greatest free trade agreements, his dedication to Canadians will forever be remembered.”

– With files from Derek Craddock

On Twitter: @battlefordsnow

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