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The Million Reasons Run

Feb 27, 2024 | 8:51 AM

The Million Reasons Run is a free running challenge held throughout May.

You choose your running and fundraising goals and run wherever, however you like. Funds raised will go to life-saving research happening at the 13 children’s hospitals across Canada. We may have our own reasons to run, but the health of every kid in Canada is the ultimate one.

The Million Reasons Run takes place May 1-31, 2024. You decide when and where you’d like to start and just how far you’d like to go. This is your personal challenge to conquer.

First, you’ll need to sign up on the website – registration is free, and open to anyone. Wherever you live, whatever your running skill, you choose the place and pace to complete The Million Reasons Run. Choose your distance goal, start your challenge, and keep track of your progress on your personal dashboard.

You can join a team one of two ways: during registration or by searching the team name if you are already a registered participant.

During registration you will be asked if you would like to create or join a team. This step will allow you to create a team by choosing a unique team name, setting a team fundraising goal, and setting a team running goal.

If you have already registered and wish to join a team, search for the team’s name directly on the Million Reasons Run website in the search bar menu. Once you have located the team page, click the orange “ join us” which will then take you to a page asking you for confirmation. After you have clicked “I confirm” you are part of the team!

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